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With a detailed diagnosis, the specialist reveals complete personal infantilism, in which for the individual there is not even a hypothetical possibility of solving his problems. There are certain differences in the symptoms of dysthymia in adolescents and adults.

At juvenile age, this form of chronic depression often provokes an increased level of irritability, anger, and a negative attitude towards any attempts to interfere in personal space from the outside. But one should carefully differentiate this state from the manifestations of the transitional period in which the formation of topamax qualities takes place. Currently, there are no drugs that would be able to completely cure dysthymia. In severe cases, antidepressants are prescribed. However, it is worth knowing that their impact on patients with this form of depression is much lower than with the classical form.

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Possible groups of topamax agents. Regular, well-constructed psychotherapy gives maximum efficiency. The main task of the psychologist is to teach the patient to control his thought process with the exclusion of the negative associative series from it. Methods of cognitive behavioral correction and psychological dynamics are used with consideration of cause-and-effect relationships between events and their negative perception.

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In the absence of adequate treatment of dysthymia, psychological social adaptation is gradually violated. Patients cannot perform their professional duties qualitatively, pay attention to the family. As a result, they lose their jobs, close people and plunge into loneliness. In no case should this be allowed, since the prognosis of topiramate is pronounced negative. Dysthymia. chronic minor depression. Causes, symptoms and practical advice.

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We all have a bad mood when we are sad more than usual, we are overcome by apathy and do not want to do anything. In most cases, this passes and we return to normal life. And if not? If this condition does not change over time, we may be facing dysthymia. In this article, you will learn about what dysthymia is, what are its causes, symptoms and signs. Dysthymia What is dysthymia? Dysthymia (minor depression), or, as it is now called, chronic depressive disorder, is a mild form of depression. Previously, this disease was called neurasthenia or psychasthenia. Dysthymia is classified as a chronic disease, but it must be borne in mind that in psychology, unlike medicine, “chronic” means a long-term protracted disorder, but this does not mean that it is incurable.

Signs and symptoms. How to detect dysthymia? What is dysthymia? People with dysthymia are often referred to as "sad" or "despondent." In an adult, the following symptoms of dysthymia are observed. - Lack of appetite or vice versa, excessive appetite - Insomnia or excessive sleepiness - Lack of energy - Low self-esteem - Problems concentrating and making decisions - Feelings and feelings of hopelessness and hopelessness - Feelings of guilt - Avoiding social relationships.

For a diagnosis of dysthymia, these symptoms must have been present for at least two years. Although it is assumed that they can be suspended for several months. The main symptoms of dysthymia in children are as follows. - Irritability - Poor school performance - Insufficient social skills - Pessimism To diagnose dysthymia in children, these symptoms must be observed induring the year. It is extremely important to recognize dysthymia in time, because without appropriate intervention it can buy topamax online into depression.